App Development

Faster and cheaper solution for quality app development at a competetive price.

Game Development

Casual game development for multiple platforms, with stunning visual graphics and quality gameplay

API Development

On-demand API development for mobile apps and games backends, web apps for backing advanced features in multiplatform apps.

Desktop Application

We offer cross-platform desktop app development services to help you turn a solid software idea into a market sensation, as well as couple your management softwares for your organization for going paperless.


We offer specialized UI/UX design service, also design & build beautiful, engaging websites & applications.

Web Design

It’s important for you or your business to be accessible from anywhere, anytime. We specialise in cutting edge responsive websites that look beautiful on all desktops, tablets and mobiles.


Some of our works are showcased here


Audio Video App

Flight Control

Control Panel App

Radio Bangla

Radio App


Health & Lifestyle

App To The Map

Puzzle Game

Director Photo Guide

Photo App

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Simple file caching & manipulation in iOS

on August 20, 2017

This document is heavily influenced by Apple docs (Jump: Browse to the sample code on Github) For security purposes, an iOS app’s interactions with the file system are limited to the directories inside the app’s sandbox directory. During installation of a new app, the installer creates a number of container directories for the app inside the sandbox directory. Each container directory has a specific role. The bundle container directory holds the app’s bundle, whereas the data container directory holds data for both the app and the user.

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Automatic view push for UITextField in iOS

on May 14, 2017

Client: I can enter my first name, middle name and last name fine in iPhone 7, but in iPhone 5S the last name text field is covered by keyboad, why this is happening? One of the oldest and basic problem of using UITextField in iOS. If you are making a form or adding multiple UI components in one page for your iOS application, its pretty much normal that the bottom UITextFields could be covered by your keyboard.

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BBLocationManager for iOS, simple yet powerfull

on March 21, 2017

Location services is a powerful feature of iOS, but sometimes its not easy to understand all the API’s and learn how to use them. With BBLocationManager, you can start using iOS Location Services API in no time. It provides good code documentation for better understanding of the methods and delegates. If you are making a location aware app or building a geofencing app like the Alarm app in iOS which reminds you to buy milk when you are near home, BBLocationManager can be your choice.

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Synchronus Code Execution in iOS

on December 26, 2016

“Asynchronus programming” is a polular term now-a-days. People are talking all over the internet about it. Specially when we have network/API calls, we should keep free the main thread, and do the network calling stuff in the background. Cause if we block the main thread, it won’t be able to respond to user interaction such as touch. Async calls can be executed on new/seperate threads synchronously, or can be scheduled in the main/other thread’s runloop.

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